One of my favorite men in the Bible is King Solomon. Now, when someone mentions his name, almost instantly people think of the many wives and concubines he had. Yes, Solomon messed up, but haven’t we all messed up in some way or another? I heard an old saying “If you look for the bad in people, you will always be sure to find it”, but I’m just foolish enough to thing that there is also good in people and if you look for it, you will find it as well.

King SolomonKing Solomon wrote three timeless classics in the Bible; Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and The Song of Solomon; trust me guys, if you want to get lucky, grab a bottle of wine and read some Song of Solomon. 🙂 I guess what fascinates me most is Solomon’s heart at the beginning of his reign. No where else in the Bible do you find God asking a man “Ask what you wish Me to give you”. Seriously? Are you kidding? He could have asked for anything to benefit himself, but he didn’t. Instead he was more concerned about the people of God and how he lacked the wisdom and understanding on how to govern the nation. Gee… wouldn’t it be nice to have leaders like that today?

So much could be said on the accomplishments Solomon did. I suppose, if we could do half of what he did, our lives would be pretty interesting, but let me leave you with this one last thought. When he was born his parents named him Solomon, but Nathan the prophet said that God had a name for him as well. Jedidiah, which means “beloved of the Lord“.  Stop and think about that for minute. Every time you hear the word Jedidiah, somewhere in the back of your mind you hear beloved of the Lord. Imagine how that would change how you see yourself. Hey Jedidiah (beloved of the Lord) can you take out the trash. Jedidiah (beloved of the Lord) can you go to the store for me? Talk about mind-blowing….. I looked up the meaning of my name once. Tennyson – Son of Dennis. How pathetic! makes me want to change my name or rewrite the definition.  Truth be told, after much study of the Bible the phrase beloved of the Lord could be applied to all of us.  I’ll never understand why, but do I really need to?

This is my first post on our blog site. I thought it would be appropriate to start off with King Solomon, because I will make mention of his writings a lot. Of course when you study the life of Solomon, you will find that his wisdom did not originate from him, but from God. A gift from our creator.