A while back I worked with a gal who, in my opinion is the nicest person I’ve ever met. I like to show up 15-20 minutes early for work. During that time the office is very quiet, but it wasn’t long until I would hear her traveling down the hallway greeting everyone along the way. Morning Jeff, morning Jon, morning Mike she would say. My cubical was right beside hers so when she would say good morning to me, out of orneriness I would just growl. 🙂 In an office environment filled with constant tension it was so refreshing to have someone like her to set the mood for the day. I found that just a simple greeting can change a person’s attitude. It’s hard not to smile back and for a brief moment, forget about your worries and the things you are dealing with.

There was another lady who loved to help out and do things for people, such as bake cookies or put together snack days for your birthday. She would bake me a whole plate full of lemon cookies for my birthday, but then I would have to regrettably share them with the rest of my co-workers. 🙁 She never seem to mind doing things for other people. I never once heard her complain, you could tell it was something she enjoyed very much.

These ladies were just as busy as everyone else, for them to take the time to do these simple acts of kindness brought about a deeper appreciation in my life. As I was thinking on these things I come to realize that these individuals have been gifted by God. I’ve always believed that God uses natural things to teach us spiritual things. Through their lives I see an expression of who God is. They may not change the world, but they sure change the world around them.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know we constantly face on a daily basis negative thoughts, actions and people who are just down right mean and rude. This world has definitely seen it’s share of wickedness, but mankind has the potential to do good and bring about a difference to the people around them. This I believe is fromMaking a difference our creator who according to the Bible, IS the definition of good.

Come on, you know what I’m talking about. Your walking down the street and your about to pass by someone. In that moment you have two choices, you can continue looking down at the ground and pretend you don’t notice them, or you can look straight at them and say Good Morning or Hello. Then watch the expression on their face light up. Or how about a simple thing of opening the door for someone. I’ve done this many of times for young college students. You would be surprise at the many thankful comments I get. One time I open the door for a young Chinese girl, she in turn gave me a respectful short bow. Totally caught me off guard. Here’s a major one, we all have individuals who have made a difference in our lives. Why not take a few minutes and tell them how much you appreciate them. It doesn’t have to be complicated. You can say something like, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the way you (fill in the blank).

With some people this just comes naturally, but others (like me) have to work on it. It requires thinking of others. I can get so caught up in my own little world that I forget about the people around me. There is a lot of hurting people out there going through life as best as they can, it wouldn’t take much to brighten their day. Those who know me personally, know I like to joke and have fun. The way I see it, living life has enough troubles, so why not balance it with some humor. I’m not asking you to change the world, only God is big enough for that job, but purpose to make a difference to the people around you. In doing so you will express an aspect of God to others.