Over the last year, I have been contemplating and exploring the concept of God’s love. It has become clear to me that, as the Apostle Paul stated, it is impossible to comprehend the vastness of God’s love fully. I am not satisfied with a mere intellectual knowledge of this love; I desire a deeper, more personal experience of it. The more I delve into this subject, the more I realize that there is no limit to the richness of this experience.

It’s commonly believed among Christians that the Christian life is primarily about loving God. However, I propose that it’s actually more about how much God loves us! As stated in 1 John 4:19, we love God because He loved us first. The Love of God should be the cornerstone of a believer’s life and teachings, as it’s crucial to understanding the faith. Without this foundation, we may be prone to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

Ephesians 3:17-18 NLT

Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.

As I read this passage, the first thing that catches my attention is the statement that Christ will dwell in our hearts when we place our trust in Him. This means that we are never alone! God has promised to never abandon or forsake us, not just during the good times, but also in the midst of struggles. Whether we’re going to bed, waking up, heading to work, facing tough times, or even when we make mistakes, He is always present when we put our faith in Him. Though it’s easy to forget, it’s important to remember that Jesus lives within us. This realization helps our roots to grow deeper into God’s love and keeps us strong.

In the latter part of this passage, Paul emphasizes the importance of comprehending the vastness of God’s love – its width, length, height, and depth. It’s worth pausing and pondering over.

While there are numerous types of love in the world, we should exercise caution not to equate them with God’s love. For instance, many of our human relationships are built on conditional love – I love you as long as you love me back. However, God’s love is unwavering and unchanging. It’s crucial to note that we often base our perception of God’s love on our actions, assuming that He loves us more when we do good and withdraws His love when we err. This is not true – God’s love is unchanging and doesn’t depend on our performance.

Isaiah 54:9 NLT 

To me this is like the days of Noah,

when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth.

So now I have sworn not to be angry with you,

never to rebuke you again.

This passage of scripture is truly remarkable, yet often overlooked by many Christians. It’s important to note that when God makes a promise, it is absolute. God has promised to never be angry with or rebuke us. This may come as a surprise to some who believe that God punishes us for our mistakes or distances himself from us. However, this is not true of God’s nature, especially for those of us who have faith in Him.

Before I go, I want you to know that God’s love for you is unwavering. It does not depend on your emotions or actions. As Paul wrote in Romans 8, nothing will separate us from the love of God!