In my previous thoughts on God’s Love (part 1), I mentioned that the more I delve into this topic, the more I realize that there is no limit to the subject or the experience of God’s love.

Ephesians 2:8-10 – NLT

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

When one chooses to believe in Jesus Christ, many significant changes occur in their life. Above all, their Spirit is regenerated or, in other words, reborn. The previous spirit was lifeless due to sin, but now that we possess a new spirit, nothing can prevent God from filling us with his love. This also leads to a multitude of other benefits, but we can discuss those another time.

A significant aspect of God’s love working within an individual is the positive transformation it brings about. You will notice a change in your behavior as you will no longer be inclined towards the things you used to do. This is where genuine transformation takes place, not by adhering to the do’s and don’ts of religion. It is baffling that some Christians try to maintain their salvation through works after having faith in Jesus Christ! The truth is straightforward – salvation begins with faith and is sustained by continuing to believe. As stated in Philippians 1:6, “The good work initiated in you will be carried through to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Who is the one doing the good work? God is the one who initiated the good work and he will see it to completion.

During my youth, I attended church and vividly recall the sermons that were designed to frighten people into repentance. It was quite overwhelming! While I understand that believing in Jesus Christ saves a person from eternal damnation, I believe that salvation is more than just that. It is not my intention to trivialize salvation, but in my opinion, the true beauty of it lies in developing a close and deeply personal relationship with the Creator. This is where the real joy of salvation lies!

The foundation of our relationship is rooted in the love of God. Over the course of many years, my Wife and I have invested countless hours in building a strong bond. We have learned each other’s preferences and have even been able to anticipate each other’s thoughts (kind of scary). But why would the Creator of the universe give up His most precious gift, His only son? The answer is simple: He desires a relationship with you. He wants to invest years in building a deep connection with you, spending countless hours together, and allowing you to know Him intimately. His love should not just be knowledge, but a personal experience that transforms your life.

It cannot be emphasized enough that living a holy life and doing good works are desires of God. However, it is crucial that these stem from a close and personal relationship with Him. Attempting to attain a good standing with God without truly knowing Him will not result in lasting change. Genuine transformation arises from within oneself.

How do we start a relationship with him? Glad you asked… Like any relationship, it starts with spending time together. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord, he is always available to listen and talk to you since he now lives within your spirit. To understand more about the nature and person of God, I suggest reading the Bible, which is one of the best books I’ve ever read. Start with the book of John, and you’ll be amazed by the transformation that takes place in your mind as you read it (Romans 12:2). The Bible covers all aspects of life, including your identity, purpose, health, and finances. Everything you need is in there.

Trust me, you will never be the same!