I recently heard this most profound object lesson. You take an envelope and write the word Jesus on the front of it. Next, take a piece of paper and write your name on it, or if you really want to get crazy, write the names of everyone you know who is Christian on it. Fold up the paper and put it in the envelope. The next step is very important: seal up the envelope! This is our stance before God. Colossians chapter 3 describes it this way. 

Colossians 3:3

For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.

Now, think about this for a moment. Whatever happens and wherever the envelope is, that is what we are from now and throughout eternity. We cannot be separated from the envelope because it’s been sealed. If the envelope is shipped around the world, then we go with it. Since the envelope represents Jesus, consider the following: 

  • Since Jesus is righteous, then so are we
  • Since Jesus is Holy, then so are we
  • Since Jesus is sinless, then so are we!
  • Since Jesus walks in perfect peace, then so do we
  • Since Jesus possesses the wealth of Heaven, then so do we
  • Since Jesus possesses healing, then so do we
  • Since Jesus walks in perfect obedience, then so do we
  • Since Jesus has authority over the demonic realm, then so do we
  • Since Jesus possesses all wisdom and knowledge, then so do we
Image by GraphicsSC from Pixabay

The list could go on and on, but I hope you get the point. Whatever Jesus is, so are we, not someday in the future, but now! For example, we are not trying to be righteous and holy; we are righteous and holy because of Jesus. 

So, how does one get into the envelope? Well, if you have been reading any of my blogs, you know what I’m about to say. It starts by believing in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. There is no other way! I didn’t say it; Jesus said it. 

John 10:9a

I (Jesus) am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved.

It sounds so simple, but that one word, “believing” has such a profound impact. I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s worth repeating. 

The most powerful force in this world is your belief or unbelief.

Both will influence how you live your life. 

So, getting back to the list. Some might ask the question, if we are all the things on the list, then why aren’t we, as Christians, walking these out? Very simply put, you don’t believe it, OR like most Christians (and I used to be one of them), you believe through your own obedience (right living, discipline, performance) you have to earn them. 

Let’s talk about Believing/Unbelieving versus Obey/Disobeying for a moment. We all have been taught from our early childhood the concept of obeying and disobeying. If we obey, then good will come our way, but if we disobey, then bad will happen to us. This is what it was like living under the Law of Moses. This mentality is so ingrained in our thinking. The major problem with this thinking is that we no longer live under the Law but under Grace. Listen to what the writer of Hebrews has to say as to why the people of Israel did not enter His rest:

Hebrews 3:18-19

And to whom was God speaking when he took an oath that they would never enter his rest? Wasn’t it the people who disobeyed him? So we see that because of their unbelief they were not able to enter his rest.

He equates disobeying with unbelief. He is using disobeying and unbelief as synonyms. The same could be said of Obeying versus Believing. 

I’m going to make a radical statement here, but hear me out. Under the Mosaic Law, the focus is on your performance (Obeying/Disobeying); under the covenant of Grace, the focus is on your belief or Unbelief; in fact, starting with the book of Romans, replace the words obey/disobeying with belief/unbelief, and you will see what I’m talking about. You cannot have obedience without first believing something. Belief and Unbelief start in the mind, and Obeying/Disobeying starts with works of the flesh.

Proverbs 23:7a

For as he (man) thinks within himself, so he is.

If you start believing you are righteous and holy because you are in Christ, then you will start acting righteous and holy. 

If you start believing you walk in complete healing and wholeness because you are in Christ, then you will start walking in complete healing and wholeness. 

If you start believing you possess the wealth of Heaven because you are in Christ, then you will start walking in the wealth of Heaven. 

If you start believing your sins have been forgiven (past/present/future) because you are in Christ, then you will experience what the Apostle Paul says in Romans chapter 8 – So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

In my Christian experience, I have been repeatedly taught you have to do this and you have to do that. When in reality, God has been saying all along, just believe in my Son Jesus Christ, and let the Holy Spirit take care of the work of transforming your life because we are in the envelope together, a.k.a In Christ.

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